Valuation Overview of Accessory Dwelling Units
Feb 29 all-day
Accessory dwelling units (ADCs) are a growing trend across the U.S. They have been around for years and often not identified as ADUs because they were not part of the zoning. As more families are finding it necessary to accommodate young adults not quite able to afford their own place, they are staying home longer and a somewhat separate space like an ADU is a good solution. Many families are caring for aging family members and find an ADU is the best choice. As many municipalities began to see the growing need to address them in the zoning ordinance, they have now become a valuation challenge for appraisers. In some areas the zoning does not allow them even though homeowners are adding them on without identifying them as ADUs. (Non-conforming status is an appraiser nightmare) Like green homes, the data is not readily available or is limited at best. The secondary mortgage market has very tight guidelines for ADUs and that presents the biggest challenge for appraisers. This seminar will focus on overcoming data challenges and review short dilemmas that illustrate methods to solve the value problem.
Check out this preview as Sandy Adomatis, the seminar developer, and Dawn Molitor-Gennrich, one of the seminar reviewers, provide more information about this program!
Meet the Officers @ Ayres Hotel and Suites
Feb 29 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Additional Information







Join the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute (SCCAI) for an exclusive networking opportunity at “Meet the Officers.” Open to all members, this event is a unique chance to interact with industry leaders, featuring Sandra Adomatis, the esteemed 2024 National Appraisal Institute President; Paula Konikoff, the 2024 President-Elect; and the SCCAI Chapter President, Adam Bogorad. Taking place at the Ayres Hotel in Costa Mesa, the event follows an insightful course on Accessory Dwelling Units instructed by Sandra Adomatis. Attendees can enjoy appetizers, a no-host bar, and valuable connections—all at no cost for SCCAI members. Don’t miss this enriching experience to engage with influential figures in the appraisal industry.

Women’s Initiative Committee (WIN) @ Virtual Classroom
Mar 1 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Additional Information



The Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is proud to announce the launch of its Women’s Initiative Committee (WIN).

The purpose and objective of this newly formed committee is to promote the advancement of women within the appraisal profession. In monthly Zoom meetings, we will host discussions of relevant topics, invite special guest speakers, network, and assess the unique challenges and opportunities we face.  All are welcome to attend. Appraisal Institute membership is not required and the Zoom meetings are free of charge.

Meetings will be held the first Friday of the month, from 12-1pm via Zoom. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 1st, 2024.

For more information, please contact:
Ariana Arredondo, MAI at ariana@angelvaluation.com or Linda Whittlesey, SRA at  linda@allianceappraisalsonline.com
Jennifer Hsu, MAI at jennifer.hsu@cbre.com

SCCAI AND IRWA – LA JOINT LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM – Metro on the Move @ Rio Hondo Country Club
Mar 19 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Event Information

TOPIC: Metro on the Move

With the biggest public works infrastructure program in the country, LA Metro is on the move!  Come hear the latest about our $120 billion capital projects program, preparation for the 2028 Olympics and Paralympics, and the most aggressive transit housing program in the United States.


Holly Rockwell is a Senior Executive Officer in the planning department of Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. She oversees real estate acquisition and management (including Los Angeles Union Station) and transit-oriented community programs.  For the 18 years prior to joining LA Metro, she co-founded, owned and was president of a real estate and right of way firm that provided consulting services to public agencies throughout the west coast. Holly has been named Professional of the Year by the International Right of Way Association (IRWA), Los Angeles chapter and Woman of the Year by the Women in Transportation Seminar (WTS), Inland Empire chapter. Holly graduated from Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. She loves spending time with her husband, Bryon, their two sons, daughter and their yellow lab. She has run six marathons and will continue to do one a year for as long as she can!

March 19, 2024
CHECK IN: 11:30 AM
LUNCH/PROGRAM: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM 

2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course @ Ventura, CA
Mar 21 all-day
This required 7-hour continuing education course, copyrighted by The Appraisal Foundation, focuses on USPAP requirements for ethical behavior and competent performance by appraisers. The first part of the course addresses the changes to USPAP, which are effective January 1, 2024, and the second focuses on cases studies that challenge you how to apply USPAP to situations you encounter in your daily practice. The course will help you gain competency in USPAP, and it will help those subject to state licensing or certification and continuing education requirements imposed by professional organizations, client groups, or employers gain competency as well.
In the past, the Advisory Opinions and Frequently Asked Questions, which were required materials for the course, were bundled with the USPAP publication. Now they are contained in a separate publication, USPAP Guidance and Reference Manual. This manual provides examples showing the applicability of standards in specific situations and offers advice from the ASB for resolving appraisal issues and problems. It also contains the Reference Index which is a highly useful tool that helps appraisers quickly find answers to USPAP-related questions. This new Guidance and Reference Manual is included with your course handbook. Please note, however, that USPAP 2024, which includes Standards 1-10 and is required for the course, must be purchased separately.

Program Overview:
Table of Contents and Overview
Course Schedule


A laptop computer or tablet device is required for participants who choose an electronic copy of USPAP.

Additional Information:
Course Materials Include:

  • Course Handbook (74 pages)
  • Reference Manual (360 pages)
Unless otherwise noted, the course price does not include a copy of the current USPAP edition, which is required for course credit. When the chapter does not include, participants must bring their own copy of the USPAP edition to class.

To purchase a print or electronic copy of the publication, please visit The Appraisal Foundation.



None specified
2024-2025 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course
Apr 4 all-day







Course Description
This required 7-hour continuing education course, copyrighted by The Appraisal Foundation, focuses on USPAP requirements for ethical behavior and competent performance by appraisers. The first part of the course addresses the changes to USPAP, which are effective January 1, 2024, and the second focuses on cases studies that challenge you how to apply USPAP to situations you encounter in your daily practice. The course will help you gain competency in USPAP, and it will help those subject to state licensing or certification and continuing education requirements imposed by professional organizations, client groups, or employers gain competency as well.
In the past, the Advisory Opinions and Frequently Asked Questions, which were required materials for the course, were bundled with the USPAP publication. Now they are contained in a separate publication, USPAP Guidance and Reference Manual. This manual provides examples showing the applicability of standards in specific situations and offers advice from the ASB for resolving appraisal issues and problems. It also contains the Reference Index which is a highly useful tool that helps appraisers quickly find answers to USPAP-related questions. This new Guidance and Reference Manual is included with your course handbook. Please note, however, that USPAP 2024, which includes Standards 1-10 and is required for the course, must be purchased separately.
Women’s Initiative Committee WIN @ Virtual Classroom
Apr 5 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Additional Information

GUEST SPEAKER: Cindy Chance – Appraisal Institute CEO



The Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is proud to announce the launch of its Women’s Initiative Committee (WIN).

The purpose and objective of this newly formed committee is to promote the advancement of women within the appraisal profession. In monthly Zoom meetings, we will host discussions of relevant topics, invite special guest speakers, network, and assess the unique challenges and opportunities we face.  All are welcome to attend. Appraisal Institute membership is not required and the Zoom meetings are free of charge.

Meetings will be held the first Friday of the month, from 12-1pm via Zoom. Our next meeting is scheduled for April 5th, 2024.

For more information, please contact:

Ariana Arredondo, MAI at ariana@angelvaluation.com

Linda Whittlesey, SRA at  linda@allianceappraisalsonline.com

Jennifer Hsu, MAI at jennifer.hsu@cbre.com

Federal and California Statutory and Regulatory Law
May 2 @ 11:30 am – 5:00 pm
Event Information


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.


The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

Mandatory Requirement for Initial State Licensing / Certification (QE) and Renewal (CE)

Includes the required open-book exam

Instructor:  Jacinto A. Munoz, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS

Appraisers recognize that they have regulatory obligations but understanding which ones apply when doing federally related and real estate related lender work is challenging. A review of sanctions and disciplinary actions taken against appraisers by the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers makes it clear that many details and nuances of the appraiser laws and regulations are being misunderstood. Common, unintentional errors impact both the reputations of individual appraisers as well as confidence in the competency and ethics of the appraisal profession. This seminar is designed to help you recognize and understand the laws and regulations most important to appraisers practicing in California.

– Learn about the revised & reduced AQB RP Appraiser Qualification Criteria effective May 2018
– Understand the context of and recent amendments to the California “Laws” & “Regs”
– Find out about your new “mini-resume” on the BREA website
– Understand BREA’s new & revised definitions that affect your daily appraisal practice
– Become familiar with the new Federal & California Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Laws & Regs
– Look out for these BREA laws that result in immediate license suspension



Mandatory Requirement for Initial State Licensing / Certification (QE) and Renewal (CE)

Includes the required open-book exam

Instructor: Jacinto A. Munoz, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS

Appraisers recognize that they have regulatory obligations but understanding which ones apply when doing federally related and real estate related lender work is challenging. A review of sanctions and disciplinary actions taken against appraisers by the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers makes it clear that many details and nuances of the appraiser laws and regulations are being misunderstood. Common, unintentional errors impact both the reputations of individual appraisers as well as confidence in the competency and ethics of the appraisal profession. This seminar is designed to help you recognize and understand the laws and regulations most important to appraisers practicing in California.

– Learn about the revised & reduced AQB RP Appraiser Qualification Criteria effective May 2018
– Understand the context of and recent amendments to the California “Laws” & “Regs”
– Find out about your new “mini-resume” on the BREA website
– Understand BREA’s new & revised definitions that affect your daily appraisal practice
– Become familiar with the new Federal & California Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Laws & Regs
– Look out for these BREA laws that result in immediate license suspension


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.


The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

Women’s Initiative Committee (WIN) @ Mijares Restaurant
May 9 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Additional Information

WIN So Cal is looking forward to hosting our members for an in-person meeting on Thursday, May 9th from 4-6pm.

This meeting is in lieu of our normal monthly zoom meetings. Please see details below.

Mijares Restaurant

145 Palmetto Drive

Pasadena, CA

Thursday, May 9th @ 4pm

Disclaimer Information


EASTERN BRANCH MEETING – Pasadena Architectural Home Tour – Timeless Classics @ Rose Bowl Aquatic Center Parking Lot
May 21 @ 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Course Description

TOPIC: Pasadena Architectural Home Tour – Timeless Classics

Charles Baker, SRA, AI-RRS will present an architectural home tour in the San Gabriel Valley, including the areas of Pasadena, South Pasadena and San Marino. Riding aboard a first-class tour bus, we will visit 25-30 architecturally significant and historic residences. The tour will include architectural bios and interesting facts on the original owners. Mr. Baker will touch on architectural terminology, design elements, valuation issues, historic preservation and current trends. The bus will also drive by the historic Huntington Hotel and the Vista del Arroyo Hotel; as well as the house portrayed in the “Father of the Bride” movies and Dynasty television series.  A list of architects includes Marston & Van Pelt, Wallace Neff, Greene & Greene, Frank Lloyd Wright, Elmer Grey, Myron Hunt, Gregory Ain and others. Mr. Baker appraised most properties on the tour.


Charles Baker, SRA, AI-RRS is a residential appraiser based in Pasadena, CA, and the owner of AppraisalPros.com, Inc. He began his career in 1988 and has developed a specialty in high-end and historical residences in Southern California. He is Past-President of the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, past LDAC attendee and DL, current Chair of the California Government Relations Subcommittee, and seminar developer and instructor. As an investor he has also bought, rehabbed, managed, and sold residential real estate and vacant land in three states.


Event Information


Pick Up Location:

Rose Bowl Aquatic Center parking lot;

360 N Arroyo Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91103-3201

Check In: 12:30 PM

Tour: 1:00 PM -4:00 PM


TOPIC: Pasadena Architectural Home Tour – Timeless Classics

Charles Baker, SRA, AI-RRS will present an architectural home tour in the San Gabriel Valley, including the areas of Pasadena, South Pasadena and San Marino. Riding aboard a first-class tour bus, we will visit 25-30 architecturally significant and historic residences. The tour will include architectural bios and interesting facts on the original owners. Mr. Baker will touch on architectural terminology, design elements, valuation issues, historic preservation and current trends. The bus will also drive by the historic Huntington Hotel and the Vista del Arroyo Hotel; as well as the house portrayed in the “Father of the Bride” movies and Dynasty television series.  A list of architects includes Marston & Van Pelt, Wallace Neff, Greene & Greene, Frank Lloyd Wright, Elmer Grey, Myron Hunt, Gregory Ain and others. Mr. Baker appraised most properties on the tour.


Charles Baker, SRA, AI-RRS is a residential appraiser based in Pasadena, CA, and the owner of AppraisalPros.com, Inc. He began his career in 1988 and has developed a specialty in high-end and historical residences in Southern California. He is Past-President of the Southern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute, past LDAC attendee and DL, current Chair of the California Government Relations Subcommittee, and seminar developer and instructor. As an investor he has also bought, rehabbed, managed, and sold residential real estate and vacant land in three states.