30th Annual LA/OC Market Trends Seminar @ Sheraton Cerritos Hotel
Jan 26 @ 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM – Opening Remarks

SCCAI Member Meeting

Linda Whittlesey, SRA – 2023 SCCAI President

Economics – Global to Local

Ed Coulson – Director, Center for Real Estate at UCI


Capital Markets


Office Market

Andrew Robben – Newmark


Multifamily Market

Mollie Carmichael – Zonda

Kimberly Byrum – Zonda

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – LUNCH

The California Hotel Market

Justin Myers – Atlas Hospitality


Retail Market


Industrial Market

Justin Smith – Lee & Associates


Southern California Housing

Evan Forrest – Zonda

Michelle Rogers, SRA – New American Funding

Charles Baker, SRA, AI-RRS – AppraisalPros

5:00 PM – Closing Remarks

Orell Anderson, MAI – Event Chair

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $50.00 cancellation fee.
2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $100.00 cancellation fee.
Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information






Disclaimer Information


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.



The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.



With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

SOUTHERN BRANCH DINNER MEETING – Junk Science & Valuation @ Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club
Feb 1 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm


Topic: Junk Science & Valuation

Description: There are over a dozen tactics used by junk scientists who present appraisals in the courtroom and to clients. This presentation sets forth these tactics, along with citations and discussions to identify these ploys and rebut them effectively.


Randall Bell, PhD, MBA, MAI is the author of “Real Estate Damages: 3rd Edition” and specializes in real estate damage economics. He was retained as the expert in the World Trade Center, the Flight 93 Crash Site,  the Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Sites, OJ Simpson, and hundreds of others.


Michael Tachovsky, PhD provides expert witness testimony for complex valuation issues. He has taught courses and published in the Appraisal Journal on the topic.

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $25.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $35.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information

Dinner Check in: 5:30 PM

Dinner and Program starts at: 6:00 PM

Program includes Buffet Dinner

2 Hours of BREA CE Pending Approval

Disclaimer Information


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

Federal and California Statutory and Regulatory Law @ DoubleTree Hotel
Feb 15 @ 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Mandatory Requirement for Initial State Licensing / Certification (QE) and Renewal (CE) Includes the required open-book exam.

Appraisers recognize that they have regulatory obligations but understanding which ones apply when doing federally related and real estate related lender work is challenging. A review of sanctions and disciplinary actions taken against appraisers by the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers makes it clear that many details and nuances of the appraiser laws and regulations are being misunderstood. Common, unintentional errors impact both the reputations of individual appraisers as well as confidence in the competency and ethics of the appraisal profession. This seminar is designed to help you recognize and understand the laws and regulations most important to appraisers practicing in California.

– Learn about the revised & reduced AQB RP Appraiser Qualification Criteria effective May 2018
– Understand the context of and recent amendments to the California “Laws” & “Regs”
– Find out about your new “mini-resume” on the BREA website
– Understand BREA’s new & revised definitions that affect your daily appraisal practice
– Become familiar with the new Federal & California Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Laws & Regs
– Look out for these BREA laws that result in immediate license suspension

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $50.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $100.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information



National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed by an outside party. The Appraisal Institute Chapter made arrangements for the Third-Party to offer the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) based on a certain chapter or local need for such topic, solely educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program and does not endorse the Program or its content.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The Appraisal Institute does not publish examination review materials. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.


Valuation Overview of Accessory Dwelling Units @ DoubleTree Hotel
Feb 16 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm









Seminar Materials Include:

  • Seminar Handbook (264 pp.)

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $50.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $100.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information

Appraisal Institute CE Points

Attend: 35 AI Points

Class Time

7 hours

Disclaimer Information


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.



The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.



Some classes have prerequisites. Be sure to read the course description to find out if there are any prerequisites for this course.



Some classes have required textbooks. Be sure to read the class description to find out if there are any required textbooks for this course. There will not be any textbooks for purchase at the class. You must buy them ahead of time. If you arrive for a class without the required textbook credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund.



Some classes require you bring a laptop and or other equipment. Be sure to read the class description to determine if any equipment is required. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided. Please safeguard your equipment and personal belongings at all times. The Appraisal Institute, the Southern California Chapter, the Instructor or the facility will not be responsible for any loss of your personal belongings.



Some classes are now available with downloadable materials. If you opted to download class materials instead of having them shipped to you, you will be required to bring the materials with you on a laptop or as a hard copy. If you do not have the materials with you credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund. Copies will not be available to you in the class. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided.



It is the policy of the Appraisal Institute to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities who are participating in Appraisal Institute educational programs. If you need accommodations to participate because of a disability, please notify us in writing at least two weeks in advance of the program and we will arrange for reasonable accommodation. Without two weeks’ notice, accommodation may not be available.



With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

2022-2023 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course @ Ayres Hotel and Suites
Feb 28 @ 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


Course Materials Include:

  • Course Handbook (82 pp.)
  • Reference Manual (116 pp.)

Unless otherwise noted, the course price does not include a copy of the current USPAP edition, which is required for course credit. When the chapter does not include, participants must bring their own copy of the USPAP edition to class.


To purchase a print or electronic copy of the publication, please visit The Appraisal Foundation.


Course Materials Include:

  • Course Handbook (82 pp.)
  • Reference Manual (116 pp.)

Unless otherwise noted, the course price does not include a copy of the current USPAP edition, which is required for course credit. When the chapter does not include, participants must bring their own copy of the USPAP edition to class.


To purchase a print or electronic copy of the publication, please visit The Appraisal Foundation.

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $50.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $100.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information








Disclaimer Information



Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.




The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.




Some classes have prerequisites. Be sure to read the course description to find out if there are any prerequisites for this course.




Some classes have required textbooks. Be sure to read the class description to find out if there are any required textbooks for this course. There will not be any textbooks for purchase at the class. You must buy them ahead of time. If you arrive for a class without the required textbook credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund.




Some classes require you bring a laptop and or other equipment. Be sure to read the class description to determine if any equipment is required. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided. Please safeguard your equipment and personal belongings at all times. The Appraisal Institute, the Southern California Chapter, the Instructor or the facility will not be responsible for any loss of your personal belongings.




Some classes are now available with downloadable materials. If you opted to download class materials instead of having them shipped to you, you will be required to bring the materials with you on a laptop or as a hard copy. If you do not have the materials with you credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund. Copies will not be available to you in the class. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided.




It is the policy of the Appraisal Institute to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities who are participating in Appraisal Institute educational programs. If you need accommodations to participate because of a disability, please notify us in writing at least two weeks in advance of the program and we will arrange for reasonable accommodation. Without two weeks’ notice, accommodation may not be available.




With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:


Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org


Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

SCCAI AND IRWA-LA JOINT LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM The Impact of Recession and Inflation on Property Values @ Quiet Cannon (in Montebello Country Club)
Mar 14 @ 11:30 am – 2:00 pm








This presentation by Matt Lubawy, MAI, CVA and John Penner, MAI, will focus on the future effects of recession and inflation from an historical perspective.  There have been 14 recessions since the Great Depression of the 1930’s, 7 periods of high inflation and 4 periods of deflation.  The relationship between Cap-Rates and Interest Rates will be explored.  Lastly, these effects will be discussed in relation to different property types and what might unfold in 2023.

Cancellation Policy


Additional Information


Matthew Lubawy, MAI, CVA

Valbridge Property Advisors

Mr. Lubawy serves as a senior Managing Director at Valbridge Property Advisors in the Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Reno Offices. He has been in valuation and advisory services since 1987. His experience includes appraising commercial properties and specialized uses such as hotels, casinos, horse racetracks, LIHTC properties, air hangers, golf courses, stadiums, and many other special-use properties.

Matt has extensive expertise in litigation, condemnation, market studies, feasibility analyses, and fractional interest valuations.

He is a state-certified general appraiser in Nevada, California, Arizona, and Michigan as well as a licensed real estate agent in Nevada.

He served as chairman of the board of the Nevada State Development Corporation for 10 years and was vice-chairman of the board for the corporate office of Valbridge Property Advisors, Inc. He was also past president of the Las Vegas Chapter of the Appraisal Institute.

John Penner, MAI
Valbridge Property Advisors

John D. Penner, MAI serves as Senior Managing Director for the Orange County, California office of Valbridge Property Advisors, a nationwide appraisal firm with 80 offices, as well as National Director of Fractional Interest Valuation. He has also served on the Board of Directors in the past. John has over 39 years of experience as a commercial real estate appraiser and consultant. His specialties include medical office, industrial properties, condemnation, fractional interest valuation, expert witness court testimony, and investment property consulting. He is a Member of the Appraisal Institute, Certified General Appraiser, Licensed Real Estate Broker, is a member of the International Right of Way Association, and holds a Certificate in Real Estate Development with the Urban Land Institute. John also prepares the biennial Penner Expense Guides, which contain data from surveys of actual expenses in the local Southern California market for industrial, office, medical office, and retail properties.

Disclaimer Information


The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

8th Annual SCCAI and IRWA Chapter 57 Luncheon and Program – Public Agency Valuation Considerations for Properties That Have No “Market” @ Riverside Convention Center
Apr 5 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm


Riverside Convention Center

3637 5th Street

Riverside, CA 92501
CHECK IN 11:00 am
PROGRAM: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $15.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $25.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information

TOPIC:  Public Agency Valuation Considerations for Properties to Have No “Market”



Appraisers that provide valuation services to public agencies encounter assignments involving a myriad of challenging property types and conditions.  Examples include special-use properties, various types of easements and partial acquisitions, properties with multiple zones of value, unique surplus property dispositions, budgetary analysis requests with limited information available, retrospective valuations, and others.


This presentation will examine situations where no “markets” exist for properties that public agencies need appraised.  To this end, it will explain in detail an economic condition known as “bilateral-monopoly” (one buyer, one seller).  It will shed light on why values, in these instances, are indeterminable and what an appraiser can and should do about this dilemma.  It will provide several bilateral-monopoly case studies and some recommended “do’s” and “don’ts” to appraisers practicing in this area.




Ryan T. Hargrove, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, R/W-AC

Chief Appraiser – Infrastructure & Right of Way

County of Orange


During a 23-year career, Ryan has performed real estate valuations for many purposes including eminent domain and right-of-way acquisition, loan underwriting, estate and gift taxation, litigation support, assessment appeals, asset management, and transaction fairness.


Ryan holds Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) degrees from the University of Southern California and an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from the University of California, Irvine.


Ryan currently serves as the Manager of Real Estate Valuation Services for the County of Orange.  He provides valuation services to multiple departments and agencies to facilitate the acquisition, management, leasing, and disposition of real property. His duties include providing informal valuation consultations and budgetary analyses; requesting proposals from contractors; administering contracts; correctly defining valuation problems; establishing appropriate statements of work; performing USPAP-compliant reviews of appraisals; and providing litigation support services to County Counsel and outside counsel.


Ryan is as an adjunct professor of real estate appraisal courses at Cal State Northridge, Mt. San Antonio College, and Long Beach City College.  He has served part time as an Assessment Appeals Hearing Officer for the Los Angeles County Assessment Appeals Board since 2008.  He is a designated member of the Appraisal Institute, holding the MAI, SRA, and AI-GRS designations and is a member of the International Right of Way Association (IRWA), holding the R/W-AC credential.  He is the Immediate Past President of the Orange County Chapter of the IRWA.  He is also a licensed real estate broker and has qualified to serve as a California probate referee.

Disclaimer Information


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.


The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

NORTHWESTERN BRANCH MEETING – Lodging Performance Outlook 2023 Impact of Current Events on Hotel Performance and Values @ CBRE
Apr 18 @ 8:30 am – 10:30 am



This presentation will address historical and expected performance in the lodging sector, including nationwide as well as top California submarkets. The presentation will also include the latest information on interest rates, cap rates, and discount rates, and how those are affecting hotel values. Other topics will include a discussion on hotel transactions, vacation rentals, new hotel supply, and outlook for the coming year.

SPEAKER: Luigi Major, MAI

Managing Director Luigi Major, MAI, oversees the firm’s Southern California practice and is based in Los Angeles. Since 2007, Luigi has worked on consulting assignments for more than 1,000 hotels and resorts throughout the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean, including several large-scale, international hotel portfolios and mixed-use developments. He has experience with all hotel asset classes and specializes in proposed developments. Luigi graduated from the University of Houston’s Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management. He joined the HVS Dallas office in 2007 and has worked with the HVS Mexico City office and the HVS Houston office before relocating in 2018 to Los Angeles to oversee the firm’s Southern California practice. In addition, Luigi has authored numerous articles on the performance trends and dynamics of hotel markets in which he has worked. He is a Designated Member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI) and a state-certified general appraiser.

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $10.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $20.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information

400 S. Hope St.

25th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Disclaimer Information


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

Complex Valuation Course @ Ayres Hotel and Suites
Apr 19 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm


Complex Valuation is a new course developed to give appraisers the skills to value both detrimental and beneficial conditions. The field of “complex valuation” involves the real estate characteristics that are “atypical.” (Federal Regulations Part 34.42.).

Many, if not most, valuation assignments involve a straightforward application of the cost, income and sales comparison approaches to value. However, frequently complex issues arise that involve either beneficial or detrimental conditions that can influence the value of real estate. For example, beneficial conditions might result in an increase in value, such as discovering minerals or oil on grazing land. Detrimental conditions could result in a diminution in value, such as natural disasters or environmental contamination.

As real estate appraisers, understanding these complexities helps in developing a credible opinion of value in these types of assignments. Although many complex issues are addressed throughout appraisal literature and coursework, they are not presented as a single framework. The purpose of the Complex Valuation course is to provide real estate appraisers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic and focus on these various property conditions and the valuation methodologies to address them. Instructors present with a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation.

Cancellation Policy

Up To 15 days prior to program start date, $50.00 cancellation fee.

2 – 14 days prior to program start date, $100.00 cancellation fee.

Less than 2 days prior to program start date, forfeit of payment.

Additional Information







Disclaimer Information


Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.



The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.



Some classes have prerequisites. Be sure to read the course description to find out if there are any prerequisites for this course.



Some classes have required textbooks. Be sure to read the class description to find out if there are any required textbooks for this course. There will not be any textbooks for purchase at the class. You must buy them ahead of time. If you arrive for a class without the required textbook credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund.



Some classes require you bring a laptop and or other equipment. Be sure to read the class description to determine if any equipment is required. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided. Please safeguard your equipment and personal belongings at all times. The Appraisal Institute, the Southern California Chapter, the Instructor or the facility will not be responsible for any loss of your personal belongings.



Some classes are now available with downloadable materials. If you opted to download class materials instead of having them shipped to you, you will be required to bring the materials with you on a laptop or as a hard copy. If you do not have the materials with you credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund. Copies will not be available to you in the class. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided.



It is the policy of the Appraisal Institute to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities who are participating in Appraisal Institute educational programs. If you need accommodations to participate because of a disability, please notify us in writing at least two weeks in advance of the program and we will arrange for reasonable accommodation. Without two weeks’ notice, accommodation may not be available.



With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

EASTERN BRANCH MEETING – “Southern California Apartment Market – Regulatory Changes and Market Conditions” @ Virtual Classroom
May 3 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm






Photo Verification: REQUIRED
As part of the required attendance monitoring, all students need to provide the Chapter Office with a copy of your Driver’s License in advance of the offering.

·         Simply take a picture of your DL with your phone or send a scanned copy to lianna@sccai.org

·         Registrants who have not yet forwarded their photo IDs will be ineligible for credit and will be prohibited from attending the seminar


Onsite check-in begins at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, May 3rd.  This will provide registrants an opportunity to work out any last-minute technological kinks before instruction begins.  The presentation will begin at 10:00 AM and will conclude by 12:00 PM

Cancellation Policy

There is a $15.00 Cancellation Fee

Additional Information

“Southern California Apartment Market – Regulatory Changes and Market Conditions”


This webinar is an overview of major changes that are happening in the regulatory/tax landscape for apartments in the Greater Los Angeles market. Two experts who follow the apartment market carefully will bring up to date on these changes, offer suggestions and guidance about their possible effects, and answer questions about related matters.


George Koiso, MAI

George Koiso, MAI, is a Principal and Senior Managing Director for Worth Valuations. With over 18 years of valuation experience and having managed the production of thousands of appraisals, Mr. Koiso has established a reputation for being one of the most trusted appraisers in the Southern California region. Prior to co‐founding Worth Valuations, Mr. Koiso spent 14 years with CBRE’s Valuation and Advisory Services department. He began his career as a trainee and was eventually promoted to the head of the Los Angeles apartment team. Under his leadership, the team was regularly the fastest growing in the region and eventually grew to be the largest team nationwide, a status it maintained for many years. Mr. Koiso specializes in multifamily residential properties. He has significant experience with Class A institutional‐quality assets, both existing and proposed, having worked on many of the highest‐profile assets in Southern California. Mr. Koiso also specializes in affordable housing, Small Balance Loan (SBL) apartments (including value‐add/bridge loan assignments) and has an exceptional record for managing very large portfolio assignments. He has also served as an expert witness for property tax appeal purposes, having been involved with over 100 tax appeal cases. Mr. Koiso also conducts external appraisal reviews for various financial institutions and was previously a Review Appraiser for JP Morgan Chase, where he achieved the highest internal employment rating. He has been a frequent guest.

speaker to various financial institutions on topics ranging from current apartment market trends to valuation methodologies for large versus small apartment assets. Mr. Koiso brings a unique perspective to the industry, focusing on team building and continuous personal development within his staff, all while striving to maintain the industry’s highest standards. He has mentored individuals throughout his career and under his leadership, 7 professionals under 30 years old have obtained their California Certified General appraisal license. While his teams have always been high performing, humanity in the workplace has remained an important core value. Outside of work, Mr. Koiso is a dedicated husband of 15+ years and is the son of Japanese immigrants, who instilled in him the virtue of a strong work ethic. He enjoys spending time with his family, personal development, reading, yoga, mixed martial arts, hiking, and traveling.

Pedro Chin

Pedro K. Chin is a Principal and Managing Director for Worth Valuations. Mr. Chin has been a licensed appraiser for almost 30 years and has established a reputation as one of Southern California’s leading professionals for handling complex real estate valuations across a wide spectrum of property types. Mr. Chin regularly provides consultation services to owners, developers, brokers, attorneys, and other appraisers throughout Southern California, particularly as it relates to land, residual land valuation, ground leases, and feasibility issues.

Prior to co-founding Worth Valuations, Mr. Chin spent over 30 years at CBRE’s Valuation and Advisory Services department in the Los Angeles office. After graduating from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Real Estate, he was a practicing appraiser for 20 years focusing on a wide variety of income-producing property types, including retail, office, industrial, multifamily, residential subdivisions, and land valuations. In his last 10 years at CBRE, Mr. Chin has narrowed his practice to specialize in complex multifamily residential valuation assignments, both existing and proposed. He also served as the former co-head of the apartment team, a team he helped grow to become CBRE’s largest team nation-wide.

Mr. Chin has appraised some of Southern California’s most iconic residential assets, including Oceanwide Plaza, 9900 Wilshire, The Century, 10000 Santa Monica, Hollywood Palladium, Beverly Hills Hilton (redevelopment), Queen Mary, Dodger Stadium (land), Columbia Square (former CBS Studios), Los Angeles Center Studios (land), The Village at Santa Monica, the House of Blues redevelopment, The Lorenzo student housing, LEVEL Furnished Living, and several multi-use master-planned communities. Mr. Chin also has extensive experience with adaptive reuse conversions to mixed-use multifamily (rental and for-sale) with ground floor commercial or to creative office, properties with boat slips, properties impacted by regulatory restrictions (i.e. LIHTC’s, HUD, Mills Act, Coastal Commission, split-zones, conservation land, etc.), and ground-leased assets.

Disclaimer Information


With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:

Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org

Log into Your AI Account

Select Education/Events on the right sidebar

See List of All Offerings

Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click

At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate

NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.

Program materials can be downloaded by the student.

National Disclaimer

This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the Program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.

The content of this Program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its Regions, Chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national Board of Directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the Program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the Program. The content of the Program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.

This Program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the Program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.

State Credit

Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information

If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.