One niche in the real estate valuation sector is eminent domain. Eminent domain acquisition rights, or the ability of a government, quasi government, or utility entity to acquire property rights, is governed by the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Today we will discuss the valuation and appraisal review for partial acquisitions, why it is important to understand the appraisal problem before starting research, and how the iterative process is crucial to credible assignment results. One main tenant of all valuation is for the valuer to be unbiased. The ability for valuers and appraisal reviewer’s to be impartial and objective and therefore balance the rights of property owners with the rights of all people potentially using and paying for the infrastructure.
Bio: Christina Thoreson, SR/WA, MAI, CRE
As a valuation professional, Christina began her career in late 1986 in Atlanta. She earned her SR/WA, Senior Right of Way Associate designation from the International Right of Way Association. Christina is the current chair of the IR/WA Valuation Community of Practice. She is also a Designated Member of the Appraisal Institute having earned the MAI, SRA, and AI-GRS. Christina has recently been conferred membership in the Counselors of Real Estate and holds the credential CRE. She is a AQB qualified USPAP instructor, holds the CLIMB certification from the IR/WA, and completed the Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) from the International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC). She has taught real estate in both the professional and college settings. Her valuation experience includes a wide variety of property types and sizes, and her appraisal and review practice has focused primarily on eminent domain since 1991.