325 Bristol Street Costa Mesa
CA 92626
This important course provides information about standards and ethics requirements for valuers in general and, more specifically, for valuers who belong to the Appraisal Institute. Through discussion questions and examples, you’ll identify behavior and actions that illustrate violations of the Code of Professional Ethics, and you’ll learn how referrals can be made. You’ll get an introduction to the Appraisal Institute Guide Notes to the Standards of Professional Practice and see how the Guide Notes can be used to resolve everyday appraisal practice problems. Finally, you’ll learn about common errors in appraisal reports and review reports, and they respond to questions about challenges that arise in appraisal practice such as requests for updates and requests to change or add intended users.
The content emphasizes:
- Business practices issues, such as how to respond to seemingly unreasonable requests, how to address client pressure, and how to approach a complex assignment
- Which standards apply to Appraisal Institute Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, Practicing Affiliates, and Affiliates, and when they apply
- The key principles of the Standards of Valuation Practice
- How to identify and avoid behavior that violates the Standards of Valuation Practice
- The correct way to use the Appraisal Institute designations, emblems, and logo
- Understanding of the Appraisal Institute enforcement process
Course Objectives
- Identify the purpose of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute and recognize how those documents apply to Appraisal Institute Affiliates, Practicing Affiliates, Candidates for Designation, and Designated members.
- Recognize how to apply better appraisal business practices, especially regarding client relationships.
- Identify the major steps in the enforcement of the Appraisal Institute peer review system.
- Recognize the guidance offered by the Guide Notes to the Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute.
- Identify opportunities for improving professionalism.
- Recognize common ethical dilemmas and identify strategies for resolving them.
Event Information
Enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. If the event is filled, a waiting list will be retained. The Southern California Chapter reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule this event if the minimum enrollment level is not reached, and to change faculty assignments and facility locations at any time. Prospective students should confirm their registration before making any non-refundable airline reservations. There are NO transfers; you must cancel out of the offering.
The Appraisal Institute enforces attendance requirements mandated by state licensing and certification regulatory agencies. The Appraisal Institute issues certificates for state certification/licensing or state continuing education credit that verify successful completion and attendance of 100%, with your grade notification letter for courses, or at the conclusion of seminars. One hundred percent (100%) attendance is required for all Appraisal Institute education programs. This follows Appraiser Qualification Board minimum criteria requirements.
Some classes have prerequisites. Be sure to read the course description to find out if there are any prerequisites for this course.
Some classes have required textbooks. Be sure to read the class description to find out if there are any required textbooks for this course. There will not be any textbooks for purchase at the class. You must buy them ahead of time. If you arrive for a class without the required textbook credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund.
Some classes require you bring a laptop and or other equipment. Be sure to read the class description to determine if any equipment is required. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided. Please safeguard your equipment and personal belongings at all times. The Appraisal Institute, the Southern California Chapter, the Instructor or the facility will not be responsible for any loss of your personal belongings.
Some classes are now available with downloadable materials. If you opted to download class materials instead of having them shipped to you, you will be required to bring the materials with you on a laptop or as a hard copy. If you do not have the materials with you credit for the class cannot be given and there will be no refund. Copies will not be available to you in the class. You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord(s). None will be provided.
It is the policy of the Appraisal Institute to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities who are participating in Appraisal Institute educational programs. If you need accommodations to participate because of a disability, please notify us in writing at least two weeks in advance of the program and we will arrange for reasonable accommodation. Without two weeks’ notice, accommodation may not be available.
With the recent transition to the Appraisal Institute’s NetForum registration system, attendance certificates will be available for download directly through the AI’s national website. The procedure to obtain your certificate is:
Go to www.appraisalinstitute.org
Log into Your AI Account
Select Education/Events on the right sidebar
See List of All Offerings
Scroll to the specific offering which shows Registered and click
At the very bottom of the screen, click Retrieve Certificate
NOTE: Allow a minimum of ten business days for certificates to be available. The Chapter office cannot view, nor can we retrieve copies of your attendance certificate. Anyone having difficulty accessing their certificate should contact the Education Delivery Services Dept. directly at education@appraisalinstitute.org.
Program materials can be downloaded by the student.